Welcome to the Breathe Easy Podcast! Join us as we will be talking about anything under the sun. Each week will be completely different; sometimes we'll talk about movies or video games and make the transition to something totally unrelated, like lifting weights at the gym. Join us each week as we talk nonsense but at the same time, getting our personal opinions out there so we can Breathe Easy at the end of the day.

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Bonus Episode but with some Spidey News
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
We're back at Aynsley's place. A lot more noise in this episode because I brought Sora so there's a lot of barking in certain sections. We get a little frisky in this episode because we decided to record at all with 2Jobz. We wanted to talk mainly about the Sony Disney deal that fell through regarding Spider-Man. Other than that we didn't really have anything else to talk about so we kinda talk about other random stuff. Enjoy this bonus episode!

Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Scumbags, College Days and Baking
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
Tuesday Aug 20, 2019
We're baking at Aynsley's! Well Aynsley and Shirley are baking while David and I podcast. We make use of my portable podcast set up once again and sit on her couch. We talk about scumbags, our college days and the future of fitness. In between we get lost down the rabbit hole and somehow talk about penis pumps at the end. So try to listen to all of it or just skip to the relative end and hear David's decision about a penis pump!

Monday Aug 05, 2019
Recap, Phase 4 and everything in between
Monday Aug 05, 2019
Monday Aug 05, 2019
We're back again after a 5 month hiatus. Listen to what we've been doing with our lives in between last episode and this one. We walk about the MCU Phase 4 and our take of Endgame 3 months later. We talk about other stuff that I forgot about so just listen. Enjoy!

Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
We're back...Hopefully
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
Tuesday Mar 26, 2019
We're back hopefully. Sorry for the long hiatus. We tried recording a month back ago but we scrapped it. We'll try to keep this alive as best we can. Aiming to make this a weekly podcast so if David can't join in for an episode, then Jeremy will do a solo podcast. This week we talk about what we've been doing when we haven't been recording. We recently watched Captain Marvel and we give a review on that. Afterwards, we go over some Infinity War: Endgame predictions and end with some Guardians news. I'm probably missing some stuff we go over but you'll have to listen to find out!

Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Our Somewhat Christmas Special
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Tuesday Dec 18, 2018
Sorry for the long delay in episodes, Jeremy got sick and couldn't record until now. I'm sure you can hear him cough in the background. In this week's episode, we invited everyone's favorite guest Billy back to the podcast along with two other friends: Michelle and Aynsley. We go over Billy's ideal price range for an engagement ring, our favorite Christmas memories and presents, and much more. Around the 1hr14min mark or so, David will ask the important question that he's been dying to know. At some point I go on this rant about ABGs and as I was editing this, I realized how much of an asshole I sounded like. I didn't really want to pull/cut this out of the podcast but if you're listening to this and have a problem with what I said. I know I'm an asshole. I should have phrased myself better because I sound like a misogynist but whatever. It is what it is. Anyway if you have no problems with what I said, then I hope you enjoy this week's episode!

Monday Nov 19, 2018
Rest in Peace Stan Lee, Friendsgiving and our 3v3
Monday Nov 19, 2018
Monday Nov 19, 2018
The day before we recorded this, we heard that Stan Lee had passed away. So we dedicated some time to talk about his life and go over some comic centric talk. We wanted to give an update on our Friendsgiving plans that were in the works that haven't really made any progress. Jeremy wanted to do a 3v3 fictional characters face off and we kind of surprised ourselves with our picks. Spoilers: David won the bout. We top off this episode with the future of comics by asking this question: Will comic book characters last the test of time? Rest in Peace Stan Lee.

Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Midterm Elections, Friend Groups and Some Geek News
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
Wednesday Nov 14, 2018
This week we begin this episode with the midterm election ballot questions and our views on it. Our next topic is talking about our need for an alpha of the group because no one can ever make a decision on what to do and where to eat. As I'm writing this, I can't exactly remember what else we talk about. Let's see...Off the top of my head, I know we talk about Suicide Squad and its new director, shit on Zack Snyder and also talk about the debut of Broly in the Dragon Ball Super Universe. Listen to this episode to get the full details

Sunday Oct 21, 2018
A New Challenger Approaches: Jazzy Jeff
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Please welcome our first female guest, Jazmin or as we like to call her, Jazzy Jeff. Jeremy doesn't really do her justice with her intro so David gives him shit. After that, it's smooth sailing from there. We talk about her story about being racially profiled at her job and eventually talk about her other shitty job experience. Jeremy and Jazmin went to high school together so they go over their experience. David went somewhere else so he just sits there and listens. Keep listening to find out what else we talked about on this episode. Enjoy!

Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Jeremy's First Solo Podcast
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
So I decided to an episode without David because the need to pump out more content was real. Plus I've had some thoughts in my head that I just wanted to get out and just voice my opinions on there. Theres really no content here but I hope you see where I'm coming from with my thoughts. I talk about my feelings of people who you thought were close and how drifting happens, and question if your friends are actually your friends or if thats just how life works. Just seems all shit down the drain. I was recording this episode on Twitch.tv as well and someone else started to talk shit so I decided to call him out. It happens around the 17 minute mark I believe. Somewhere around there. So hope your ready to enjoy some mindless rambling. Oh, Also I took some questions because none of y'all wanted to send me anything so I personally asked some people for questions to answer to give me some content.

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Marvel vs. DC, Netflix's Last Airbender and Other Stuff
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Sorry for another delayed podcast. We just haven't gotten around to recording one of these again. We take full responsibility for not being on top of our shit. This episode we talk first about Sony's Venom and the bad reception it got. Then we go talk about Henry Cavill announcing an unconfirmed departure as the Man of Steel. Jeremy goes on this whole tirade about the trends of Marvel movies and DC movies while David just listens to him spew utter nonsense. With the newly announced The Last Airbender, we go into talks about that and hope to god its better than M. Night Shyamalan's version. Stay tuned and listen to the rest. Hope you enjoy it!